Implementing Sustainability in your Setting (and achieving BNE and UNESCO Accreditation)

Wednesday 8 February 2023, 19.00 – 21.00
It has been more than eight years since the United Nations developed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, it seems it is not easy for governments worldwide to implement a consistent and stable sustainability approach involving early childhood education. This means it is up to each and every single one of us to make it happen.
Marvin José Reyes Moreno is an andragogy trainer and lecturer for the Vincerola Academy in Cologne/Aachen, Germany. He holds a BA hons in early childhood education, an NLP practitioner degree as well as a Montessori International Diploma. Marvin is the main trainer at the Vincerola host centre in Cologne, Germany, certified by the STAR accreditation from the Montessori Group. He is a Sustainable Development educator and forms part of the board of directors at Vincerola International GmbH.
The team at Vincerola believes that aspects of sustainability can be implemented in our daily routines, in our institutions, in our schools and in our homes. To embrace this approach, the BNE and UNESCO have been actively supporting the SDGs by accrediting and acknowledging schools and kindergartens, thus giving moral support to all involved. BNE and UNESCO have recognised and accredited the perseverance and motivation of Vincerola’s children and teachers and the unconditional support of families for implementing Sustainability as part of their daily routine. In this webinar, Marvin will share some examples and ideas for implementing these sustainability aspects in your settings or schools and perhaps at home as well. He will also share guidelines and ideas on achieving the BNE and UNESCO accreditation.
This webinar is for all teachers, educators and leaders striving to implement sustainability in their schools and kindergartens.