Routes of resilience in the early years – Pathways to flourishing
Like 'grit' and 'perseverance', 'resilience' has become another buzzword in education, often describing the compliant child suppressing their emotions, easy to teach.
But resilience is so much more than that. In her book, "A Sense of Place", Annie Davy, early years specialist, describes resilience as the ability to "adapt and learn through change, to face difficulty and bounce back with our essential wellbeing intact, and potentially even be strengthened by it" (Davy, 2018: 90).
In this article, she introduces the framework she sets out in her book, enabling children’s emotional wellbeing through involvement with the natural world.
We are reminded of Montessori’s wise words:
“…when children come into contact with nature, they reveal their strength.”
(Montessori, Discovery of the Child, 2007: 71)