Montessori Europe School Members

This list provides a directory of schools that are current members of Montessori Europe.

Kindly click on the school name to be directed to the school website.


Montessori House Brussels 

 Bosnia and Herzegovina:



Osnovna Montessori Skola barunice Vranyczany

Montessori Dječja Kuća


Alpha Montessori Larnaca

Little Gems Montessori Nursery

Montessori Training Centre and Childrens Workshop Nursery

Morningside Montessori Elementary

 Czech Republic:

Gymnazium Duhovka s.r.o.

Duhovka jesle a školka

MŠ a ZŠ U vrbiček


Talentree Ecole Montessori Internationale


Bischöfliche Maria-Montessori-Gesamtschule

Bilinguale Montessori Schule Ingelheim

Elterninitiative Freie Montessori Schule Landau e.V.

Gymnasium Schloss Hagerhof

Montessori Bildungshaus Hannover gGmbH

Montessori Fördergem. Darmstadt

Montessorischule Huckepack Dresden

Montessori Landesverband Bayern e. V.

Montessori Schule Biberkor

Montessori Verein Lüneburg e.V.

Montessori-Zentrum Hofheim e. V.

Vincerola GmbH


The Maverick School

Great Britain:

Edinburgh Montessori Arts School

Gardens Montessori

Living Spring Montessori

Play to Learn Limited

The Meadows Montessori School

The Norwich Montessori School


Head Start Montessori House of Children, Bangalore

The Nurtuary Preschool (INOX)


Palaimintojo Jurgio Matulaičio Montesori Mokykla


Akademiet Realfagsskole Drammen

Bambini Montessori Barnehage

Drobak Montessori

Halden Montessoriskole

Heltberg Private Gymnas Drammen as

Stiftelsen Montessoriskolen i Bergen


CDBWMS Children’s House Sp. z o.o.

Dolnoślaskie Centrum Edukacji Montessori DCEM

Montessori Academy for International Children

Ośrodek Edukacji Montessori sp


Boa Ventura Montessori Nursery School

Kairos Montessori Catholic School


The Children’s House Montessori Preschool and Primary


Bahía Montessori School


Göteborgs Högre Samskola

Lunds Montessori Grundskola

Montessori Bjerred

Montessori Friskole Gotland

Montessori Malmen

Montessori Mondial Malarhojden Pysslingen forskolor and Skolor AB

Montessoriskolan Floda Säteri

Montessoriskolan Pärlan


Casa Montessori Partille

d’ Insle Montessori-Schule AG

Montessori House of Kids

Montessori Kindergarten of Zug

Montessori Schule Seetal

Sprungbrett Montessori Schule GmbH

 The Netherlands:

Haags Montessori Lyceum

United Arab Emirates:

The Montessori Children’s Garden


The Childrens Room

If you are a current Montessori Europe School Member whose name does not appear on this list, please contact