Saturday 15 October 2022, 9 am – 12.30 pm
At this review of the keynote speeches held at the ME Congress, participants will not only have the opportunity to view the keynotes, but also to reflect on their content together.
The keynotes feature:
Prof. Chloe Marshall, UCL Institute of Education, UK
Working with Children with Language Challenges
Maria Montessori recognised that young children experience a sensitive period for acquiring language. In this presentation we will explore just how powerful the sensitive period for language acquisition is, and how children can be supported in this phase of their development.
Some children face greater challenges than others in acquiring their first language(s). We will investigate why this might be the case by considering factors internal and external to the child. Internal factors include developmental conditions such as deafness, developmental language disorder, autism and Down Syndrome. External factors include the quantity and quality of the language that children experience.
We then go on to consider the features of Montessori classrooms that make them so well-placed to support children’s language acquisition, whatever their language-learning challenges.
Chip DeLorenzo, USA
Nurturing reverent language in the Classroom
In this conversation between Chip de Lorenzo and Barbara Isaacs, the role of the teacher in preparing the social-emotional environment of the Montessori classroom is explored. Chip highlights the foundational principles of effective and respectful discipline and communication within the Montessori classroom. He also discusses and demonstrate how to begin communicating with children in a way that fosters mutual respect, cooperation and responsibility, and why discipline “techniques” often fail to achieve these same results. As well, Chip and Barbara discuss the importance of having a consistent approach to discipline and communication within a school community, and its positive affect on students, teachers and parents.
Gabriel Salomão, Lar Montessori, Brazil
Listening to Diverse Voices in our Community
Gabriel presents a perspective of diversity which is firmly rooted in the history of Brazil. Gabriel, a Montessorian and researcher, takes us gently by the hand to explore what it could mean to decolonise our teaching and present children and young people with an inclusive view of history reflecting the contributions made by the diverse communities which inhabit our Earth. His presentation contributes to the many conversations which were started during the pandemic and in response to the Black Lives Matter initiative. It takes us one step further by considering our own stories and histories beyond the borders of the United States.
- Non-members: €50
- Members (who will have received a discount code:) €30 (1 discount per member)
- Congress attendees: free of charge
Please register by Thursday 13 October.
A zoom link will be emailed to all registered participants on Friday 14 October.